You may be unhappy with your current property management agents but are perhaps put off from switching, believing that this is a complicated and lengthy procedure. The reality, thankfully, is that with Cable Rock looking guiding you through the process, this can be stress-free and reasonably quick.
Cable Rock provides a first-class property management service to Freeholders, Developers and Leaseholders throughout East and West Sussex. We have a proven reputation for making the switch over as smoothly as possible. We can even help you establish Right To Manage (RTM), which gives leaseholders complete autonomy on how they manage their property.
Once you’ve decided to appoint us, we undertake a thorough understanding of your needs, as well as the reasons why you decided to switch in the first place. We will notify the outgoing management company to terminate any agreements and will communicate clearly with owners and residents on the development to make them fully aware of the transition.
As quickly as possible, we obtain all records and accounts held by the previous agents, in order to establish the full financial picture and to set you up on our systems.
We’ll also assess current expenditure in order to identify areas of cost savings and service improvements.
Once the transition has been completed, you can expect a dedicated property manager to look after your needs on a day to day basis. We’re a small team, so there’s no call centres and means when you call us you speak to someone who knows about your development.
Switching your property management company does not have to be a difficult process. To learn more about our property services or pricing structure, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us using our contact form or by calling 01323 345045. You can rest assured that your development will be in the capable hands of Sussex’s premier property managers.